
The Sandbox is geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in Rotterdam, Nederland, onder registratienummer 86208519. Het BTW-nummer is NL863895505B01.

The Sandbox is a company registered at the Chamber of Commerce in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, under registration number 86208519. The VAT number is NL863895505B01.

Adres / Address

Little C - The Hammond
Samuel Soesmanstraat 154
3015 GL Rotterdam

Over The Sandbox / About

The Sandbox is opgericht door Martine Meijburg.

The Sandbox is founded by Martine Meijburg.

Over de website

De Sandbox-website is gebouwd met Squarespace. Het onderliggende boekingssysteem is van Acuity Scheduling.

The Sandbox website is built with Squarespace. The underlying booking system is from Acuity Scheduling.

Foto credits: Lesley Hoogelander, Studio Bellamie